In the sewers under the Colosseum, researchers found the remains of small dogs – up to 30 cm in height. According to specialists, the Romans could use such small dogs (similar in size to dachshunds) for example for acrobatic performances, hunting or fights with wild animals. More »
In 2017, in the necropolis of Beir Al-Shaghala (Egypt), in the Western Desert, five tombs from the Roman period of Egypt, made of mud and bricks, were discovered. The find was made by an Egyptian archaeological mission. The discovered tombs have different shapes and structures. The first one has an entrance leading to a rectangular […] More »
The skeleton of a woman was discovered in a marble sarcophagus, which dates back to the 3rd century CE. Interestingly, the hair and eyebrows of a woman who probably died at the age of 50-60 are still preserved. The discovery took place in 1962 in Roman Thessalonica, and the woman came from a high social […] More »
In 2017, the remains of a lost Roman city were discovered on the northeastern coast of Tunisia. The ruins are underwater. Scientists suspect that these may be traces of the Roman city of Neapolis, which was devoured by a tsunami in the 4th century CE. This centre was famous throughout the Mediterranean for the production […] More »
In southern England, in Berkshire, a Roman mosaic has been discovered that shows the Greek hero Bellerophon riding a pegasus. It is one of the most interesting finds in Britain in the last 50 years. The object is dated to around 380 CE. The find is a floor mosaic 6 meters long. The work in […] More »
A mysterious Roman coin depicting Emperor Sponsian was found in Romania at the beginning of the 18th century. In the 19th century, researchers found that it was a fake, which was made either in ancient times or even later when such artefacts were extremely fashionable. In recent weeks, the coin, which is housed in the […] More »
Roman fresco showing the island of the Laestrygonian giants-cannibals when Odysseus arrives. Interestingly, the Greeks identified this mythical place with either Sicily or Formia in Latium. The object was discovered in a domus on what is now the Roman road Via Cavour; now in the Vatican Museums in Rome. Dated to the 1st century BCE. More »
In the north of England, in the city of Carlisle, further excavations begin to reveal more secrets of the Roman bath. The ruins of the building were discovered in May this year. At the moment fragments of weapons, pottery and coins have been found. Further excavations are possible thanks to the financial support of a […] More »
Numerous traces of ancient snacks have been discovered under the Colosseum – figs, grapes, cherries, blackberries, walnuts and others. Bones of dogs, bears and large felines were also found. The discovery was made during excavation works in sewers, which were carried out in 2021 and aimed at cleaning outflows and channels under the Colosseum. Among […] More »
In Roman times, it was very expensive and a lot of effort to put up a naval fleet. If the governor of the province received an order from the senate or decided that it was necessary to build, equip ships and train new crews, the entire financial burden naturally went to the cities of the […] More »
シエナ近郊のサン・カッチャーノ・デイ・バニSAN CASCIANO DEI BAGNIにある古代の神聖な浴場の発掘調査で、極めて状態の良い24体のブロンズ像群が発見されました。紀元前2世紀から紀元1世紀にかけてのもので、古代イタリアで発見されたブロンズ像の収蔵品としては最大級。これは、1972年にRiace海岸で発見された紀元前5世紀のブロンズ像に匹敵するほど重要な発見だと、マッシモ・オザンナ美術館総監督官は述べている。
左、 Forum ⬆ ;右、 H: アエネアス像 J:ロムルス像 ⬆ H ⬆ J ;右、⬆ Jの復元碑文
ニッチJの碑文(CIL X 809):Romulus Martis / [f]ilius urbem Romam / [condi]dit et regnavit annos / duodequadraginta isque / primus dux duce hostium / Acrone rege Caeninensium / interfecto spolia opi[ma] / Iovi Feretrio consecra[vit] / receptusque in deoru[m] / numerum Quirinu[s] / appellatu[s est]
巨大男根をぶら下げた犬頭猿人chynocephalus(頭が犬、体が猿、足は人間):それが、自制心のない非理性的存在をイメージすると同時に、「犬」(canis) からの連想で、ウェルギリウス『アエネーイス』冒頭の一句「私は歌う」(cano)から「汝は歌う」(canis) の、かなり高度な駄洒落ともなっている。ちなみに、カエサルもアウグストゥスも、同性愛を含む性的不行跡については民衆の揶揄の対象だった(スエトニウス『ローマ皇帝伝』(上),岩波文庫:Suetonius, De Vita Caesarum, I.49-52;II, 65-71) 。
父アンキセスは、頭にヴェールをかぶり(礼拝時の所作か)、家の守護神像の代わりにサイコロを振る箱を持っている:賭博好きなアウグストゥスへの皮肉(Suetonius, De Vita Caesarum, II, 71.2-4)であると同時に、賭け事で高い賽の目「アタリ」をVenus(ユリウス家の祖神)といい、低目「スカ」をcanisと称していた、とも。
Franco Guillermo Mazzanti, Alla scoperta di storia e segreti di una serie di intriganti oggetti para numismatici, le spintriae della prima età imperiale con scene erotiche:2022/2/2(
社会人対象の読書会の準備でググっていたら、たぶん2016年の同じコンペの受賞グループの報告と、参加したあるグループのHPを見つけた。おそらく二,三十年あとのVia dei Fori imperiali周辺の風景はこんなになるのだろうなと思うのだが、残念ながら私には見ることできない「明日」の遺跡風景なのである。
このプロセスについての優れたブログをみつけた。今から7年前の投稿だが、学ぶべき事が多い。Jonathan Rome & Gretchen Van Horne「The Life and Death of Via dei Fori Imperiali: 1932-2015」(。全文引用したいほどの内容だ。是非ご一読を。なお参考までに。最後あたりで登場するローマ市長イニャツィオ・ロベルト・マリーア・マリーノは、2013年から2015年10月30日までその職にあった。